One of the best ways to grow your massage clientele is by offering massage gift certificates. These certificates not only provide an additional revenue stream but also serve as a powerful marketing tool, helping you reach new clients while encouraging existing ones to come back. Taking the time...
In the world of massage therapy, the phrase "table manners" takes on an entirely new meaning. While referencing dining etiquette, it implies how we behave at the dinner table. In massage therapy, "table manners" refers to the professional conduct, behavior, and etiquette massage therapists...
For many massage therapists, reaching a salary of $60,000 a year might feel like a distant goal. However, with the right approach to managing your time, pricing your services, and building your client base, it’s entirely possible to achieve—and even surpass—that income...
Do these questions sound familiar to you?
Where do I find Referrals? How can I get more people to find me?
How do you get clients to come back? I need repeat clientele to make my business work for me...
How do I make enough money as a massage therapist? I need more revenue and a future that looks...
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" December 18, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
Running a successful massage business requires you to have positive habits in place that perpetuate your business for you, habits you consistently maintain to keep the health of your...
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" November 28, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
Some clients don’t rebook because they wanted more massage pressure and were afraid to ask for it. Other clients might not return because massage pressure was too deep—and...
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" October 27, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
There was a time when I not only didn’t know how to sell products, I didn’t believe in selling products inside my massage business because I thought it would come across as...
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" August 30, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
When building sustainability into your massage career, one of the most important things that is highly overlooked when it comes to sustaining your career is how to maintain your drive for...
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" July 28, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
It can happen much faster than you think. As much as you probably don’t want to think about it, you could find yourself in a situation tomorrow where you have lost the ability to work...
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" June 30, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
How do we provide caring and compassionate touch for our clients while not taking on responsibilities we should not be? The answer lies in holding space—space contained by professional...
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" May 26, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
When a person owns a business, it takes time to develop a professional framework one needs to operate within to be successful. Business owners must hone the ability to interpret what actions to...
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" April 24, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
Until a few years ago, I had only met a handful of therapists who had successfully sold their existing massage practice to another therapist. Most solopreneur massage therapists I knew had...