Advanced Business Strategies: The Stress-Free Solution to Rebooking Massage Clients
Jun 24, 2022
(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" June 24, 2022; Author Amy Bradley Radford)
Is this a familiar story? Let’s say you have a new client schedule an appointment with you. They arrive for their appointment, and you feel that the massage treatment went well. As the client is exiting and paying for the session you ask if they would like to reschedule. They reply, “Not at the moment; I need to look at my schedule—I’ll call you.”
If you have ever heard these words, you already know that client is most likely not coming back.
What happened?
Even when you feel you performed your best massage work, when this response occurs it leaves you frustrated and confused. It makes you wonder if you could have done something different to change the outcome and if so, what could you have done differently? (read more here....)
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